The connection this channel belongs to
ID of the channel
loggerCancel/stop a consumer
consumer tag
Consume from a queue. Messages will be delivered asynchronously.
name of the queue to poll
custom arguments
if this can be the only consumer of the queue, will return an Error if there are other consumers to the queue already
if messages are removed from the server upon delivery, or have to be acknowledged
tag of the consumer, will be server generated if left empty
will be called for each message delivered to this consumer
Synchronously receive a message from a queue
name of the queue to poll
if message is removed from the server upon delivery, or have to be acknowledged
Acknowledge a delivered message
tag of the message
requeue: boolean = falseif the message should be requeued or removed
multiple: boolean = falsebatch confirm all messages up to this delivery tag
Publish a message
the exchange to publish to, the exchange must exists
routing key
the data to be published, can be a string or an uint8array
properties to be published
mandatory: boolean = falseif the message should be returned if there's no queue to be delivered to
immediate: boolean = falseif the message should be returned if it can't be delivered to a consumer immediately (not supported in RabbitMQ)
Set prefetch limit. Recommended to set as each unacknowledged message will be stored in memory of the client. The server won't deliver more messages than the limit until messages are acknowledged.
number of messages to limit to
number of bytes to limit to (not supported by RabbitMQ)
if the prefetch is limited to the channel, or if false to each consumer
Exchange to exchange binding.
name of the destination exchange
name of the source exchange
key to bind with
optional arguments, e.g. for header exchanges
fulfilled when confirmed by the server
Declare an exchange
name of the exchange
type of exchange (direct, fanout, topic, header, or a custom type)
optional arguments
Fulfilled when the exchange is created or if it already exists
Delete an exchange
name of the exchange
only delete if the exchange doesn't have any bindings
Fulfilled when the exchange is deleted or if it's already deleted
Delete an exchange-to-exchange binding
name of destination exchange
name of the source exchange
key that was bound
arguments, e.g. for header exchanges
fulfilled when confirmed by the server
Default handler for Returned messages
returned from server
Declare a queue and return an AMQPQueue instance.
Bind a queue to an exchange
name of the queue
name of the exchange
key to bind with
optional arguments, e.g. for header exchanges
fulfilled when confirmed by the server
Declare a queue
name of the queue, if empty the server will generate a name
optional custom queue arguments
fulfilled when confirmed by the server
Delete a queue
name of the queue, if empty it will delete the last declared queue
only delete if the queue is empty
only delete if the queue doesn't have any consumers
Purge a queue
name of the queue
fulfilled when confirmed by the server
Unbind a queue from an exchange
name of the queue
name of the exchange
key that was bound
arguments, e.g. for header exchanges
fulfilled when confirmed by the server
txGenerated using TypeDoc
Represents an AMQP Channel. Almost all actions in AMQP are performed on a Channel.