AMQP message


  • AMQPMessage



body: null | Uint8Array = null

The raw message body

bodyPos: number = 0
bodySize: number = 0

Byte size of the body

channel: AMQPChannel

Channel this message was delivered on

consumerTag: string = ""

The consumer tag, if deliveried to a consumer

deliveryTag: number = 0

The deliveryTag of this message

exchange: string = ""

The exchange the message was published to

messageCount?: number

Number of messages left in queue (when polling)

properties: AMQPProperties = {}

Message metadata

redelivered: boolean = false

The consumer tag, if deliveried to a consumer

replyCode?: number

Code if message was returned

replyText?: string

Error message on why message was returned

routingKey: string = ""

The routing key the message was published with


  • Acknowledge the message


    • multiple: boolean = false

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Converts the message (which is deliviered as an uint8array) to a string

    Returns null | string

  • Negative acknowledgment (same as reject)


    • requeue: boolean = false
    • multiple: boolean = false

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Rejected the message


    • requeue: boolean = false

    Returns Promise<void>

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